We Support British Columbia's Top First Aid, CPR & Paramedic Training Institutions

Our modern training courses & programs allow independent partner agencies throughout the province to provide their students with state of the art curriculum, and their staff with unparalleled professional development training. 

How can we help you today?

Find A Course

View a list of upcoming First Aid, CPR, First Responder or Emergency Medical Responder courses taking place throughout BC.

Filter by training affiliate, location, date and more.

Instructor Training

Interested in becoming a certified instructor for one of our programs?

Learn more about new instructor training, existing instructor recognition, and ongoing professional development.

Become A Training Affiliate

Learn more about the requirements for becoming a recognized Training Affiliate to deliver Columbia Learning courses through your school, agency or institution.

We are constantly looking for qualified agencies to help grow our footprint throughout BC.

Job Postings

A listing of current job postings from Columbia Learning and our Training Affiliates. This may include positions for administration, instructors, curriculum designers, or management roles.

Verify A Certificate

Students, employers and regulatory bodies can verify the details and current status of a certificate online using the student's last name and certificate number,.

Training agency affiliates
Successful Students (all programs) in 2020
Courses In 2021

Meet Our Training Affiliates

Headquarters: Victoria, BC

Delivering a variety of first aid and medical responder courses in the Greater Victoria and Vancouver Island areas.

Headquarters: Langley, BC

British Columbia’s largest private paramedic training institution, Columbia Paramedic Academy serves the entire province with part time and full time offerings.

Headquarters: Langely, BC

Delivering first aid and medical responder courses throughout mainland BC, with multiple urban and rural locations each month. 

What is a 'Training Affiliate'?

A Training Affiliate is a independently owned and operated school, academy or training agency who has chosen to provide one or more Columbia Learning courses for their students.  They have full control over delivery of the course including: scheduling, setting and collecting tuition/fees, providing instructors, and determining pass/fail outcomes for students. 

While independent from Columbia Learning, they are required to meet certain criteria before a partnership is offered.  Columbia Learning then provides initial and ongoing training to their staff and instructors, supplies course material, issues student certificates, and conducts quality assurance checks to ensure they continue to meet the high standard expected.

Why Choose A Columbia Learning Training Affiliate?

Experienced Instructors

We only partner with training agencies that employ instructors who have experience performing the role they are training. This means experienced First Aid Attendants teaching our OFA 1, 2, 3 courses, or licensed and experienced First Responders teaching our medical responder courses.

Modern Curriculum

We focus exclusively on curriculum development and leave instruction to the experts at our partner agencies. Our team of Subject Matter Experts and Instructional Design Experts are able to build and maintain first aid, CPR, and paramedic training courses and programs that offer unparalleled student and instructor resources, while incorporating the most recent advances in care and best practices for education.

Program Recognition

Our courses are vigorously reviewed by the applicable regulatory bodies such as WorkSafeBC, the Ministry of Health (EMALB), and/or the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training (PTIB) to ensure they meet the required standards. This ensures that any credential issued by Columbia Learning is recognized no matter where it's used for employment or volunteering.